Saturday, February 21, 2009

Victoria Bush Fires

Hi Everyone!
Its been a long time since my last post and I thought I was well overdue to write another one. I feel very settled in Perth, which is one of the reasons I haven't written in so long. As I get used to a general routine, it seems funny to write about my everyday experiences. Yet with that said, each day I feel like I do something new and if nothing else, I'm in AUSTRALIA which is crazy and exciting in and of itself.
Anyway, one of the things I wanted to write about are the huge forest fires (called "Bush Fires here) going on in Australia right now. A lot of you have written to make sure I'm ok, but no worries, I'm nowhere near them. Nonetheless, it is incredible to be here during this time and I thought I'd share some of the unique experiences I've seen as the country has been going through such a tragedy.
The fires themselves have been going on in the state called Victoria- which is on the other side of the country as I am in the state called West Australia (original I know). From what I've heard, police think the fires were set by arsonists. To me, it is just so unbelievable that lighting a small fire can have such a damaging effect- and to do so purposefully makes me speechless with anger.
Just to go on a related tangent, about two or three weeks ago an arsonist set fire to King's park in Perth. This is a beautiful national park located just outside the city and hundreds of acres of land were destroyed. I remember that all day you could smell the smoke in the city and you could even see the smoke billowing up all the way at my house, which is a ten minute drive from the city. 
In relation to the fires in Victoria, this fire was relatively nothing and extremely small, but it helped give me the tiniest perspective of what is going on. It's funny how in the U.S.  we worry about hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes. But at least in the midwest, fires aren't as large of a concern. In Australia, the weather is so hot and the ground is so dry in the summer that fire is a huge concern. Victoria was going through a huge heat wave and everyone was particularly nervous about fires, but I don't think anyone could have imagined the effects would be come so severe and uncontrollable. 
With all this said, something I found so powerful was how the entire country really got together to provide help for everyone in Victoria. Whenever I turned on TV, every channel was devoted to the bush fire coverage.  When I walked down the street there were people with collection boxes on every corner. One of the major grocery stores even took an entire day's profits and donated them to the "Victoria Bush Fire Appeal". I of course made sure to shop that day :)
I remember during 911, Katrina and other American tragedies how the entire country seemed to come together. In some ways it's sad that it takes something so horrible for this to occur, but on the other hand, it's always so memorable. In this case, it was and still is just  incredible to feel the unity of a country of which I am still so new to.

On a happier note, I am still loving everything about Australia and sometimes I think about how crazy it is that I'm actually here! I've met so many people and made so many friends that I'm starting to realize just how hard it will be for me to leave in just five weeks. I actually just went grape picking with some people in the community today. They pick the grapes and then crush them into wine just in time to let them sit and then be ready for passover! I helped the Millners pick grapes and then we went pack to the house and " destemmed" them which was a tedious but fun process. The kids were so into it which made it all the more enjoyable. But the best part.... was CRUSHING the grapes. We decided to forego the press idea and instead chose to crush all the grapes by hand! Granted it probably took 5 times as long, but it was so satisfying to put your fingers into the all the grapes and squish them into juice! (ha- its the little things in life) After that, we put the juice into a big container, added sugar and now... we wait. While the wine wont be ready for another 6 weeks, the Millners gave me a bottle to take back with me so ill be excited to taste it in april and see how it turned out :)
Anyway, I have a million other stories and adventures to tell, but those will have to wait until my next post- which I promise will be soon.
Until then, I hope everyone is doing well and will talk to you all soon. I miss you and send my love!